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Jquery is killing me

jquerySo, one side of me many people don’t often get to see is the technical side. Yes, it’s true. I”m a girl who loves nerdy computer things like networking and gaming and linux and whatnot. On that note, This stupid wordpress theme is really chapping my tukas (a yiddish word meaning tush for those wondering). Why is that you may ask? Well, you might have noticed that the images on the main page have an overlay containing a brief intro on the topic the post is about. The image is supposed to match the post title. For some reason, the first time around, they all get blended together and I can’t for the life of me figure out why. I’ve been working with the folks at The JQuery Project and blowing up their forum ( haven’t been having any luck so far. As far as I can tell, everything is right and should be working but, the plugin was modified for this wordpress theme. Until I get this worked out (or get so frustrated I switch to a new theme) be patient and I’ll post the specific steps used to fix the problem.

Wish me luck for now!

Comments (2)


  1. chloe says:

    i’m pretty good at jquery… have been in the web programmer biz for about 7 years.

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